Equipping the body of Jesus Christ
Partnering Together and Coming to You
KINGDOM BUILDERS to equip the saints for the work of ministry,
for building up the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:12
Vanguard is an Equipping Center that partners with churches, ministries, organizations and
government agencies to reveal, demonstrate, impart and activate the Kingdom of Heaven
to believers of Jesus Christ.
Sozo Training (Inner Healing)
SOZO (the Greek word meaning “saved, healed, delivered”) is a unique inner healing ministry aimed at helping people get to the root of things hindering their personal connection with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Ministry Training
This training is for pastors, leaders and believers who love people and have a hunger for more of God to heal, save and deliver. This is specifically created for those who have a desire and a calling from God to ministry to people. Whether you are in a massive crusade setting, ministering through your local church, or involved in one-on-one ministry with your friend or co-worker, this ministry training will help prepare you to go into the highways and byways to minister the love and power of Jesus.
Intro to Kingdom Culture
In this training you will: encounter God's presence, learn to recognize His voice, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, discover the supernatural, cultivate a lifestyle of passionate worship, grow in your identity and experience powerful transformation.
Activating Words of Knowledge
Words of knowledge are our Father's way of capturing people's attention by feeling loved and known. Believers who hear the Father's heart through words of knowledge have incredible doors of opportunity to share the love of Jesus in ordinary environments!
Prophetic Painting
Learn how to see pictures God is showing you and paint them. You don't need to be an artist, just trust Holy Spirit to guide you! Wear clothes you don't mind getting paint on. All supplies will be provided.
Signs, Miracles & Wonders
God has always been identified through signs, miracles and wonders throughout the Old and New Testament. These experiences are perceived to be miraculous and normative today, in the modern Christian Church. We will illuminate the passages of scripture that highlight signs, miracles and wonders throughout the Bible and what our expectations should be today. “God bears witness with them, both by signs and wonders and by various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will” (Hebrews 2:4).
Power Evangelism (Treasure Hunting)
The Ultimate Treasure Hunt leads believers into a supernatural lifestyle of Kingdom building. Capturing the heart of witnessing and personal evangelism through this training where healing, miracles, and deliverance are regular occurrences. Based on biblical principles and personal testimonies, you will learn how the simplicity of hearing a word of knowledge from God leads you to clues for the treasure hunt. "...Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). Witnessing the love and saving grace of Jesus does not need to be invasive or argumentative; rather, it is a supernatural encounter when God reveals Himself in a specific way.
Vanguard School of Worship
This is a Supernatural Equipping Intensive that focuses on Worship that Ushers in the Presence & Power of God. Vanguard School of Worship provides comprehensive teachings on topics such as: worship leading, prophetic worship, song writing, intimacy with God, loving Jesus, purity, character, identity, spiritual authority, shifting atmospheres, as well as providing in-depth training on how to usher in the presence of God in worship.
Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance
You know the battle is raging, but are you fighting the right enemy? Just as enemies fought Joshua in the Promised Land, and Nehemiah faced opposition as he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, our enemy will fight us as we approach the spiritual terrain God has promised us. Most Christians retreat at the first sign of conflict because they fail to recognize the true nature of the battle, but you can prevail in freedom and joy. You will hear personal stories of demonic bondage and torment that ends with deliverance and freedom. You will understand the diabolical lies and strategies of the enemy attacks and traps so subtle and deceptive that we may find our souls and hearts imprisoned without even knowing it. Now you can win the invisible battle against sin and the enemy. Victory is within your grasp. Will you take hold? This training will help you to develop a bold new strategy for spiritual warfare, while teaching you to: Find freedom from demonic oppression, engage the enemy on biblical terms, cast out demons in Jesus' name and break generational curses.
Shifting Atmospheres
The atmosphere around you is alive with unseen spiritual activity; a battle between forces of darkness and light. You can take dominion over the supernatural environment for the Kingdom of God! There are strategies for spiritual victory. Get ready to discern the enemy's tactics and learn how to use your weapons of warfare to enforce Jesus' victory over forces that war against your mind, your family, and your region! Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can transform your spiritual environment from darkness to light. Through revelatory teaching, you will learn to: discern the spiritual atmospheres, forces at work around you, draw from the Holy Spirit’s presence within you to release God’s Kingdom power and demonstrate the authority of Jesus over the powers of darkness
Love After Marriage (L.A.M.)
God intends marriages to be filled with love. Why are so many faltering with distrust, anger and contempt? The workshop Love After Marriage explains that the Holy Spirit is ready to pour out healing and anointing on couples who seek God for themselves and their family. Using the proven strategies, based on the successful Love After Marriage workshops, couples can bring an atmosphere of loving transparency and vulnerability into their relationship and develop a beautiful God designed intimacy that can last throughout their life together. Couples will find clear teaching on God’s perspective of marriage, as well as methods for listening to the Holy Spirit and tools to develop the breakthroughs the Spirit brings to their marriage. They will be refreshed by the knowledge that marriage can be deeply enjoyable even if it is a little hard work.
Prophetic Training
Are you curious or wanting to learn more about the prophetic? Do you want to be activated in the prophetic? The gift of prophecy is not reserved for a super spiritual, elite group of Christians. Scripture promised that in the last days, the Holy Spirit would be poured out and the people of God would prophesy. Learn how to hear God more clearly and be activated to prophesy over others.
Healing Training
The ministry of healing is not reserved for a select few. God’s miraculous healing is part of the Good News, and you, too, can become a powerful conduit for the healing power Jesus loves to manifest. Grounded in scripture, testimonies, and practical proven steps to help you learn the ministry of healing and how to make a difference whatever God sends you.
Become a Kingdom Leader
In this training you will discover keys to become a powerful, effective, and healthy leader! This training will help you become a confident, empowering leader who knows how to build and lead a healthy Kingdom environment.
Understanding Dreams & Visions
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams" (Acts 2:17). As the Holy Spirit is poured out in great measure on the church today, we should anticipate God speaking to us through prophetic dreams and visions. We will illuminate stories from scripture, give personal stories, and explain the purpose and significance of dreams in our lives. We will teach you how to interpret your dreams and visions and more.
Understanding & Activating the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
God’s plan for you is that the gifts He has given you become evident in every area of your life. In this training the power and authority of the Holy Spirit will be activated in your everyday walk with God. You will discover how you can: understand the gifts of the Spirit, hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, know God’s heart in every spiritual matter and be miraculously used by God. As we study the book of Acts, you will apprehend the power of the early church. God has destined you to move in the gifts of the Spirit with ease and ability. In this training you will learn how you can experience the fullness of God’s power by operating in the realm of the supernatural!
Walking in your Identity as Royal
Understanding your true identity as a child of the King of Kings and as a royal heir to the eternal Kingdom of God is crucial to your faith as a believer in Jesus. This training will expose the pauper mentality many Christians have and present your royal inheritance through Christ's ultimate act of redemption. As a member of God's royal family, you can: share the King's power of grace and mercy, think and act with His authority and reveal royal qualities for future generations.
Cultivating the Presence of the Holy Spirit
Are you hungry for an encounter with Jesus? Do you want to make an impact on the world? In this power-packed training, we discuss how you can be a person who cultivate the Presence of God. Though all believers obviously have the Spirit of God within them, there is more that enables you to be so full that you overflow His Spirit into your world. In this training, you will discover: How to pay attention to the Holy Spirit and respond to Him, how the Holy Spirit manifests Himself and stories of Presence-filled revivalists and personal encounters with the Presence! We are enabled to partner with the Kingdom of Heaven and see it released here on earth! The Presence of God within us will bring reformation to the world around us and encounter a loving God!
God is Good
The phrase, God is Good, is more than a positive thought, theological concept, or biblical statement. What you do with these three words defines your reality and determines your destiny. In a world of fear, disease, crisis, torment, uncertainty, and hopelessness, what you believe about God’s goodness reveals how you will respond to the trials and circumstances of everyday life. Your view of God impacts everything! You will learn how to: clearly discern the difference between the will of God and the enemy’s plans, confidently pray for breakthrough, believe for miracles, and have faith for God to move no matter what comes against you. You will learn how to partner with Heaven to release supernatural solutions to a world in chaos and build your life on the solid foundation of God’s goodness. You will experience new realms of supernatural thinking that bring Heaven to Earth, changing the atmosphere around you!
Culture of Love, Honor & Empowerment
this powerful training, we teach about a significant paradigm shift in church life, government, and relationships that has created and sustained the revival culture. Through many relevant and true-life stories, the church is revealed as a place of freedom, respect, empowerment, and healthy discipline (not punishment). This may challenge the status quo of church leadership structure and presents a refreshing view of the five-fold ministry. If those with power learn how to empower those around them, then surely it will come to pass that, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. You can apply-today-the truths revealed in this practical yet supernaturally charged set of principles to relationships in your family, workplace, community, ministry, church-wherever you deal with others.
Women in Leadership & Ministry
In the Garden, woman was taken out of man to stand by his side and co-reign with him. But Satan's schemes have robbed women of their rightful identity, disempowering and defacing them. The world aches for God's original design and partnership to be brought into alignment once more through the cross of Jesus Christ. This training will give insight into: God's true plan and purpose for women, Jesus' radical teachings and care for women, men's important role in restoring women, the true meaning of difficult Bible passages about women and examples of women in leadership as God intended. God designed women to lead right alongside men. Jesus set women free to be beautiful and powerful. It's time for us, as daughters and sons of the King, to rule and reign together in glory once again.
Destiny & Purpose
Christians are often told that they were born with a purpose that reaches beyond their human strivings, but most are not sure how to break past the daily struggles holding them back, much less how to fully step into their callings. In this training there are lessons that will help people discover who they really are, overcome destructive behaviors, and become equipped for their kingdom purposes. Confronting the challenges that limit Christians; such as living shackled by past pain, fear, and unforgiveness. This training offers practical solutions to complex problems that undermine their destinies and derail their purposes. With personal stories and biblical teaching, this training combines practical wisdom and profound revelation to unlock the latent potential present in each person.
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